Religious Education
Religious Education has a privileged place in our school. While we welcome all who support our Catholic ethos and always respect the faith practice of other religious denominations, all families are expected to participate fully in the Religious Life of the School. All students take part in Religion Curriculum (Archdiocese of Brisbane P-12), which includes the components of Good Counsel Primary’s Religious Identity & Culture, Social Action & Justice, Prayer & Worship, Evangelisation and Faith Formation. Parents are invited to join with the school community as they express commitment to God through classroom prayer, prayer assemblies, class and whole school Eucharistic Liturgies. Students and their families are invited to take part in Parish based sacramental programmes that include Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist.
As a learning community joined together in faith we aim to bear witness to Christ’s vision and values in all aspects of school life. All members or our school community (parents, students, staff and visitors) are called on to treat each other with respect and dignity in our relationships, through our words and actions.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies are prioritised and are deeply embedded into the school curriculum. SEL competencies are supported and complemented by our Religious Education programme and school values, culture, rituals and practices.
Social Justice Mini Vinnies
Student representatives from Year 6 are inducted at the beginning of each school year. Regular class meetings are held and special projects are organised to Assist–a–Student Overseas and raise funds for the local St Vincent de Paul Conference.
Charity is the Samaritan who pours oil on the wounds of the traveller who has been attacked.
It is justice’s role to prevent the attack.Blessed Frederic Ozanam