Parents are invited to take advantage of a Parent/Teacher Meeting that is held early in Term 1. This meeting is intended to be as welcoming and fruitful as possible and is as another opportunity for parents to work closely with the class teacher for the benefit of their child. Teachers are always willing to meet before or after school to discuss individual student progress.
An oral reporting session is also conducted at the end of Term 1, providing an informal overview of the child’s progress to date.
Evaluation of children’s knowledge, skills and effort is done on a progressive assessment programme. A formal report card is issued twice a year. Parent/Teacher interviews are offered as an essential part of the assessment process.
As we strive to keep the lines of communication open, feedback will be consistent and regular throughout each semester period. Parents are encouraged to meet regularly with their children’s teachers. From time to time teachers and parents may arrange for a more formal meeting. These meetings are generally arranged to target a specific area of concern or highlight perceived strengths in the child’s learning.
If a parent is requesting a formal interview, it is very important that an appointment is made. This allows your child’s teacher to prepare adequately and provide balanced reports and thoughtful solutions to concerns.
Unscheduled appointments interrupt routines, prevent teachers from attending to duties and may result in hurried and less than satisfactory help being given. We seek the cooperation of all involved in this.