Illness and Accident at School
The school endeavours to keep an up-to-date list of telephone contact numbers of parents, both home, work and mobile numbers where applicable.
It is parents/carers responsibility to notify the school of any changes to telephone numbers or circumstances, which affect the schools ability to contact parents/carers in case of an emergency.
Any ill child may be sent to the Office for a time. When it is considered appropriate, the parents will be consulted and, if possible, asked to take the child home. No child will be sent home if the parents cannot be contacted. In case of serious accident, the Ambulance is called to administer First Aid and, and where deemed appropriate, will take the child to the family doctor or to the hospital. Parents will be contacted in this event.
Absence from School
The Education Act makes schooling compulsory for all students from Prep to Year 6. It is therefore a legislative requirement that all school-aged children attend on a daily basis the school of chosen enrolment. The school for its part has a legal obligation to ensure that any absence has a legitimate basis. It is a requirement at Good Counsel Primary School that parents/carers advise the school, preferably by email, a signed note or a phone call, of any absence.
Administration of Medication
Strict instructions have been issued to schools concerning the administration of medication to children.
Teachers may give oral medication provided it is given strictly in accordance with instructions by the student’s medical practitioner and is requested by the parents in writing. Non-prescribed oral medications (e.g. analgesics) will not be given.
Please do not send medicine bottles to school except with the correct dosage for the period in question and with the child’s name clearly marked on the bottle. Correct dosage avoids the possibility of accidental spillage or over-dosing by your child. All medicine is to be given to the class teacher along with the appropriate permission forms available from the Office.